Are you a small business owner looking to utilize Pinterest? If so, you’ve stumbled upon the right place!
Hey there! My name is Kelley and I am your small business social media guide. Or hostess. Whichever you prefer. I love helping small businesses succeed at social media. As a small business owner myself I know the power social media has to propel your business from the red to the black. I know how to create raving fans over your products and services. I know how to use social media to define your brand. And I want to teach you how too!
Why Pinterest?
Because I know how to harness it to make and build up small businesses like yours. It is the one social media site that can bring and maintain traffic to your website. It helps with sales and brand recognition. It is powerful.
I’ve created this e-course to help you get started using Pinterest. It will walk you through the most important aspects of the social media platform and give the confidence to start pinning.
In the course we will cover:
- Setting up your business account
- Adding a profile picture
- Creating a killer profile description
- How to create great pinboards
- Guide to Pinterest friendly images
- Must have Pinterest schedulers
- Your free Pinterest planner
Each day I will send out an email with some information on each topic and then a little homework at the end. And don’t worry, the homework is easy! It’s just to make sure that you put to use what we talked about that day. (No grades though!)
Oh and I’ve also included an awesome Pinterest planner too! ALL FOR FREE! Interested? Awesome! Sign up below and let’s pin!
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