Does your small business have a website with a blog? Here are some reasons you should consider it.

I turned this post into a podcast! Check it out below and then read the notes for even more info on why your small business needs a blog.
There are two types of small businesses – brick and mortar businesses with physical locations and online businesses. I’m going to focus on the first, brick and mortar businesses, today. For the main that if you have an online business you most likely already have a website. Hopefully with a blog (you’ll see why below) but if not then this applies to you as well.
I’m actually in both categories – I have a physical location as a real estate agent but I am exclusively online when it comes to blogging. (Minus the frequent coffee houses I visit.) I say this to show that I understand both small business camps. But either way, the principles are the same. Attract new customers (readers or clients or followers, whatever you would like to call them), provide value to new customer, have a system to retain potential customer and personally engage with them. Don’t let this overwhelm you – I will cover each step in detail so that even the least tech savvy business owner will be nodding up and down in understanding.
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Right now I want to share the why – why your small business NEEDS a website with a blog. Its a good start to have a website that advertising your business, its even better to have a blog attached to that site. I’ll share the HOW soon but let’s focus on why first.
1. Attract new potential customers – Yes, having a website is a great way for customers to find you, but having an updated blog is even better. There are a few reasons for this – one you are able to share your new blog posts (or blog updates) all over social media. One blog post can be shared on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and any other social network you use. That’s an easy way to have new content to share and bring potential customers back to your site.
2. Google loves new content – The more googles bots like you (and your website/blog) the higher you will rank on searches. This means by updating your small businesses blog you are helping increase visibility from search engines. The ultimate “goal” is to be on the front page of a google search since people tend to click the first few links more then they do an article found on page 12 of the results.
3. Provide value – the third purpose of your blog should be to provide value to readers. That means that you provide content (blog posts) that solve a readers problem. You also want to make sure you deliver on any promises in the post. Did your title include 7 spring carpet trends? Make sure you have all 7 somewhere in your post. Delivering on what you promise creates trust and that is invaluable when it comes to new potential customers for your small business.
Lastly, it is much easier to update a blog post then it is to update your entire website. Small business owners like yourself do not have the staff or extra cash to pay a design every time you want to update your clients (or readers or followers, etc) on something new. Directing said clients to a new blog post is easier and more cost effective.
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